Sunday, February 10, 2008


so it's cousin is going to be a dad in 6 months. at 21.

the whole family is united and backing him up....
his esteem and confidence now will determine what kind of beginning it is for his new family.
a marriage ceremony and a wedding dinner are on the way....
surely, we have to accept what has happened and not to resist what's ahead....

but, as ever....things are not perfect.
massive questions of social responsibilities and family values are involved.
well, there are three sides to every coin....
we have conspired to welcome a new member to the family with open arms and hearts.
so it's something worth being happy about...
and of course, there are worries.....abundant too.

so we'll see...

nourishing their live as one family with endless blessings... =)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wondering Wanderer....

some hearts are lonely this year.... =p

just let myself back into the stream of day dreams again.

at 21years old, don't know what's ahead but making sure that things are beyond reasonable doubt, positive. =)

I guess by the end of Chinese New Year Eve (tomorrow)... I'm going to be an aunt 'officially'.

I just want my dear cousin to be happy and strong.
Although among us, he is the first to become dad, get married...which came really,surprisingly but somehow, to me, expectedly, I wish him every happiness in the world in being blessed with a baby.

My love is with you bro, and my future niece/nephew~~

Went to KLPAC @ Sentul Park today, had my chocolate milkshake with Lorna over Evidence 'revision'.
What a nice place to hang out~~~ I think I found another 'chilling' place. =)

a random piece worth sharing with~~~